1:53 AM

What is VVS?

    You've been to gyno after gyno; you know something is wrong. The thought of being poked and prodded again brings on another anxiety attack. The doctors keep telling you the pain is in your head, just relax. If you have been unlucky enough to be diagnosed with VVS,  consider yourself lucky -- at least you've found a doc who knows it exists. Women all over the world are searching for answers to the severe burning and excruciating pain "down there." The problem is, there are few docs who know of VVS and even fewer know how to treat it. 

    Dr. Caroline Pukall of Queen's University defines VVS ( more recently known as  provoked vestibulodynia, PVD) as highly localized, burning and/or cutting pain at the entrance of the vagina (called the vulvar vestibule) during sexual intercourse, as well as during other activities that involve applying pressure to the vestibule (e.g., tampon insertion, gynecological exams). Although the pain of PVD typically disappears after pressure to the vestibule is removed, many women report lasting pain or discomfort after sexual intercourse or similar activities.

    Approximately 50% of women who suffer from PVD have what is called primary PVD, indicating that the pain has been present since their first intercourse attempt. The other half has secondary or acquired PVD, which develops after a period of pain-free intercourse, and in many cases, after an aggravating factor (e.g., repeated vaginal infections, sexually transmitted diseases). However, little is known about the causes of PVD; most health professionals agree that it is caused by a combination of factors.

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